Bil..bil..invois..circular resolution..annual return..hari- hari tu la yang dipandang..dibuat..rasa dah penat dah..tapi tu la punca rezeki jadi..buat je..jgn merungut lagi..berusaha!!!!
describing me in all honesty is not easy as ABC..i am me,simply me~nothing to show off,got nothing to hide as well..nway first of all..i go by da name Juliana, i'm da kind of person who get stressed easily..for me nothing can go far from the truth..diz is very cliche but i do really hate liar n impostor, therefore..the 1st rule of not lie..thankful to Allah, i'm blessed with beautiful family :)) mak,ayah..lia luv u :D (live life to the fullest)..never turn back..nothing to regret of what i've done bcoz i've tried to fix it rather than run from it..think +ve make me better rather than make myself in sadness ;))